Organizing is magic, pure and simple. It pares down our “stuff” as well as our systems so that there is room and time in our lives for what really matters. Once the clutter is gone and simplified systems are in place, we can move through our days with ease and pleasure.


Take a few minutes to let your mind wander through your house. If you’re home now, do a physical wander. Look at each room and its contents carefully. Does it bring you satisfaction? Pleasure? Does it serve you well? Are the systems useful? Is it aesthetically pleasing? Or do you find too many things that don’t serve you or don’t bring pleasure. Does it make you feel heavy or tired or buried in too much stuff and too much management?

If your home isn’t much of a Zen Retreat yet, you’re in good company. We’ve all been there and most of us, even if we’ve tried our best to organize and simplify, would benefit from another go at it. The good news is, there’s never been a better time to get organized. The organizing movement is gaining popularity, as is the act of pairing down “stuff”, living simpler, and living big in smaller spaces. This is especially good new for those of us who might already be looking forward to leaving the larger homes where families were raised and empires were built but no longer serve our needs. Whether the idea of organizing, streamlining and simplifying appeals to you as part of a future move, a downsizing, or just because you’re ready to do it, I can assure you from experience, it is not only possible but it will change your life. It will add minutes to your days, square feet to your living space, and lightness and joy to your life. You’ll finally be able to spend more time doing the things you’d like to do, as opposed to managing “stuff” and unwieldy systems.


  • The Life Changing Magic of Tidying up…the Japanese art of de-cluttering and organizing. Marie Kondo. Marie is the new guru of the organizing movement and takes it into the realm of Zen. Since that’s the heart of organizing for me, I applaud her, take up ranks as a follower and invite you to purchase and read this small but powerful tome.
  • Bookstores (brick and mortar or online): Once you find the section on Organizing, enjoy perusing and then chose a book that speaks to you.
  • Getting Organized magazine. That’s right, there’s a whole magazine speaking directly to the quest we’re on!
  • Retail establishments that cater to organization, like Storables, The Container Store, or just the storage section of your Target store or the like.
  • NAPO. National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals. If you’d like assistance or support. Get online and find yourself a helper.


I guess I was born with the organizing gene, as I’ve been straightening up and organizing spaces and systems my whole life. Helping others organize has been a side gig for me throughout various professional chapters. From my massage work connection with Seniors, I’ve had opportunity be involved with transitions into retirement and assisting with the considerable challenge of downsizing stuff and simplifying systems for the 2nd half.

Personally, I just calculated that I’ve moved, over the course of my life, an average of every 2 years. Now, that’s experience! And I’m sheepishly proud to say I’ve enjoyed the packing, the unpacking and the re-organizing every single time. Thought to ponder: DoI keep moving because I like to organize or do I like to organize because I keep moving? Hmmmmm….
